Sunday, December 27, 2009

Pet Health Insurance Companies How Can I Get Legal Advice Regarding A Pet Health Insurance Company Who Denied A Claim. I Appealed To The Co.?

How can i get legal advice regarding a pet health insurance company who denied a claim. I appealed to the co.? - pet health insurance companies

I had the same insurance for 8 years. In February 2004 my laboratory has had a nosebleed Smal. led him to the vet and they said dogs can bleed from the nose and appeared healthy. There were a few episodes of reverse sneezing. as a vet and was told that most likely allergies. Your insurance is July to July. In September he had a big nose bleed and after several tests he was diagnosed with nasal cancer. the insurance company refused to pay iinitial started showing symptoms in the previous period of insurance and therefore not covered. No, when he said in his medical records, he had cancer. I think I've always ensure the best for my lab, and insurance lhealth take to the vet for unusual symptoms and I think we have been disappointed by both.
Can the veterinarian diagnosed before or the cooperation of the company responsible for the health insurance and pay medical expenses for treatment. Whom can advise me. Is there a deadline for further action. Thanks

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