Friday, February 19, 2010

Vietnamese Actress Ven Any Vietnamese Out There? Regarding Hoang Thuy Linh, Who Let Out The Video? The Boyfriend?

Any vietnamese out there? Regarding Hoang Thuy Linh, who let out the video? The boyfriend? - vietnamese actress ven

I Came upon this line positions.
I'm not Vietnamese, and I know it must be difficult for them.

The Post, said the friend line only came because she has left.
Is that bad?
I could not.
What happens now?
The show was canceled, but perhaps even an actress, right?


Who wants to know said...

What is the video about? It was withdrawn on YouTube.

It should not be a video if you want to see the world. You can now trust no one.

â¥â¥... said...

MTC, I have no ideas that I havent seen ANH Vang every day on television, so I do not know this girl is doing everything right, after many newspapers about the sex tape. And he did. Hmmm, "said PPL, the BF did. Fair enough? I do not know, I would like another Vanessa Hudgens in VN. Frankly, it should be taught. God bless you.

Hạt mưa rơi bao lâu said...

OK, there may still an actress, but I do not care so much.

freepeop... said...

From the, what I heard, the repair of the telephone in which he fell from your phone when Ahold video and licked. However, a celebrity who would be more careful. Nobody is to blame. It has volunteered in the video. In addition, the girl is so fake and demanding as any institution receives. The rumor is that she has slept with this man because he was the son of someone powerful. In addition, she has slept with many more young people advance only. Is not it still the largest part of the population? I mean, believe that you have someone as privileged, as if he was satisfied. There are so many privileged people who will invest their hand, the unhappy. All this is a young girl from what you have. Frankly, I feel forr them. I hope that his career has reached the ground. Someone else deserves a chance.

Sorry if I do, I mean. People like to piss the hell out of me.

~ _ *

CuLan said...

Today, UN morale is very low. The government is corrupt and people do what it takes to get money, even sell their daughters to Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia ...
Do not feel sorry for girls like that. Most of these girls come from oficila communist. The same happened in the Communist Party.
It is very shameful!

SkyKing said...

porno tape? lol .....

madagasc... said...

I come from Vietnam. Thuy Linh has a very good actress who has played an important role in the film series, has been named Nhat Ky Vang Anh (Vang Anh's Diary). He had sex with her ex-boyfriend since 2005.
Sex was taken from him and his friend caught oppose anything. Any activity of sex online and have been very hot right now.
Now 's so quiet. All contacts will be cut as well.

The following links show that:

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