Tuesday, January 26, 2010

High School Girl Headscissor What Do You Think Of The Name Katherine For A High School Girl?

What do you think of the name Katherine for a high school girl? - high school girl headscissor

I started in high school, and I thought to go for something other than "Katie". What do you think of the name Katherine for a girl from high school?


the only Dikshunaree said...

cool. The big advantage is that Katherine is so diverse. Kathy can be or Katherine, or Kate or Katie, or even, Kathleen and Kathrine or cat, depending on what you want. Katherine seems very mature and a step ahead of Katie (sounds like the name of a small child) or Kate (the longer seems appropriate for jr. Alta). it is your choice, and was a nice add! with a name like me (I will not say what), I am not able to change what is a good way, your friends, change their appearance to be showing their new school. again, yes, Katherine a great name, and I think you should have it!

Dare You To Dream said...

When Katherine is her real name, and then use it. It is a beautiful name. If his real name is Katie, and do not want the noise of the children, why not just Kate? Kate is the formal and mature without the "old school" like Katherine.

Dare You To Dream said...

When Katherine is her real name, and then use it. It is a beautiful name. If his real name is Katie, and do not want the noise of the children, why not just Kate? Kate is the formal and mature without the "old school" like Katherine.

granny5 said...

It is a beautiful name, whatever you choose what by.or about "Kathy," which could also be used for a high school! Katrina could also be used! Good luck in school this year! Study hard! But they also have FUN!

Cory said...

My cousin met a girl whose name is Catherine, and is the second year in high school. People call and Katherine are great with him. However, sometimes goes "Kat".

Jessica! said...

I think sophisticated is a good name. Katie May child to play but if this is not what you do not. If my name was Katherine Kay are often called, though =]

~CanadaGirl~ [AlexandraSkye] said...

That's nice, but you may want to use, Katie, or have a different name! You can: Kitty Kat, Rina, KT, Kath, Terri (Katherine)

Heidi said...

I like Kat and Kate.

Katie is very common, and Katherine is long.

But still.
If I were you, I go by Kat, but Kate is classical.

Corinne S said...

I like it. I think it's pretty and her confidence. Searously I think it would work.
Corinne soon (mother of 7)

Stephani... said...

Kathrine is a traditional name and pretty. It is my sisters name.

Grai's Mom said...

Katie is always good ... I had 2 friends call Katie now in his 20s .. but if ur comfortable with the change .. is ur name.

Emily said...

Katherine is very beautiful:)

BrEaFuL said...

The name of my teacher was Katherine 6th. We call your cat or cat, the name of my friend Katherine was and we called it Berry ... I do not know what his name is not. Or simply by kathy

Caroline O said...

Katherine I like much better than Katie. In addition, Kate is pretty. Good luck!

Blondie said...

Katherine is ........ Welcome

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